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Chinese translation for "humble pie"


Related Translations:
humble:  adj.1.恭顺的;谦卑的,谦逊的 (opp. insolent, proud)。2.下贱的 (opp. noble),(动、植物等)低级的,不值钱的。3.粗陋的;微末的。短语和例子a humble cottage 寒舍。 humble fare 粗淡的饮食。 a man of humble origin 出身微贱的人。 a humble occupation 卑下的职业。
humble plant:  【植物;植物学】含羞草。
pie:  n.1.馅饼;馅饼状物。2.〔美俚〕容易得到的称心东西;容易的工作。3.〔美俚〕不正当的得利,邪财。短语和例子a minced pie 肉末馅饼。 a pie in the sky 乌托邦;希望中的报酬;渺茫的幸福。 (as) easy as pie 〔美口〕极容易。 (as) nice [good] as pie 极好。 cut a pie 〔美国〕妄加干预。 eat h
cherry pie:  1.樱桃酱馅饼。2.【植物;植物学】香水草;柳叶菜(=heliotrope)。
pie wagon:  短语和例子〔美俚〕1.(警察的)警备车。2.流动小吃车。
meat pie:  肉馅饼。
pie card:  〔美俚〕工人工会会员证。
pie book:  〔美俚〕饭票簿。
eskimo pie:  〔美国〕紫雪糕。
squab pie:  羊肉馅饼[用羊肉、葱、苹果等作馅的馅饼]。
Example Sentences:
1.When he realized his mistake , he had to eat humble pie .
2.When he realized his mistake , he had to eat humble pie
3.Be careful of what you say or you ' ll have to eat humble pie
4.He tolerated mr . morse , wondering the while it felt to eat such humble pie
5.Tom told a lie about george , and when he was found out , he had to eat humble pie
6.He was not even on his dignity . he tolerated mr . morse , wondering the while how it felt to eat such humble pie
7.David copperfield ' s stepfather , mr . murdstone treated him badly every day and he had to eat humble pie for his mother
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